Looking back

So was looking through old photos today and came across these

These are just a couple of before and during photos the one on the left being taken today. I am so proud of myself as to how far I have come there is still a little way to go but the difference so far is unbelievable. Mr Skinny keeps telling me how great I look but until I seen it for myself I didn’t believe it.

So tomorrow is weigh day we are having a little summer taster, I have made a Meringue cake with Chocolate Slimming world cream and Raspberries, can’t wait to see what other treats are brought to group.

I am feeling very motivated to get to target as I was asked earlier how much left to go-there is 25.5 lbs to go I am in no rush to see this go too quickly I am happy going at the 1-2 lb a week loss as that is ensuring I will keep it off.

Til the results tomorrow Have a great evening


What a day

So the weather is fantastic out, but I was indoors cleaning the house getting in some body magic, who knew you could do some exercises while cleaning say I will pay tomorrow. Not to worry feel, great and tomorrow is Pamper day. Although before the me time I have to make something for our Slimming World Taster on Monday. I have decided to make a spanish orange cake will post a picture on Monday.

Hope you are all having a great weekend
